This is the strategy for the endangered platform business!

We looked at the platform businesses in crisis due to slowing growth along with the recession and what their future strategies are.

Before we begin, let’s divide the user base into three levels of consumption for convenience.

1. ” consumption levels” is a user layer 2 who pays money to pay a fee.”The consumption level” is paid only for the user layer 3 to pay only.The ” consumption level” is not available for free service, the consumption level of assets, which are not the amount of assets.It is a standard for sharing the money to pay for the amount of money.There are no money if there are many money, you may not use the fee.※ The user is not paying money on the platform.They pay money from platforms.When you use platform, you can see advertising to the platform (especially when you see advertising) to the platform.The time is switched to the platform through advertising.This is expressed in indirect billing.1. Free Platform: Payment Services Deployment

“Increase the proportion of paid functions for meta ‘Facebook, Instagram’ with reduced advertising revenue,” reporter Bolter Choi Kyung-mi said, “Kakao plans to introduce a paid subscription model for content in the first half of next year,” reporter Medias and Yoon Soo-hyun

Recently, free platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and KakaoTalk are heading toward paying.We are increasing the proportion of paid service functions among existing free services.

The free platform like Instagram has pulled out sales from the advertisement to the advertisement through advertising.Because of users secure service, users were free services, users can secure users without the consumption level.In this system, the system, the high response rate of advertising is a heavy user.However, the important point is not high-speed users, but it is not low-responsive, but the platform light user.For example, if the 40s women, at least the platform utilization of the platform is a very high-speed female.In other words, the heavy user and advertising heavy users.As a platform, I think that you want to use platform to use the platform to use the platform.From this background, free platform will start to deploy a fee for platform heavy users.

Putting paid services on top of existing free platforms will allow heavy users with a high “consumption level” who are willing to pay more and use the platform, but other users can still be charged the same indirectly through existing indirect billing. Furthermore, if we divide the difference between paid services by consumption level, we will be able to increase overall sales by creating a system that charges more money than indirectly. 2. Making paid platforms free of charge

“Introduction of Netflix’s advertising plan…” “Thinking about the TV and Wave” and “Reporter Lim Hye-sun of Asian Economy”On the other hand, paid platforms such as Netflix are moving in the direction of free. To be exact, we are going to lower the hurdle of the actual amount by indirect billing (advertising). For example, Netflix said it will release products that can be subscribed at low prices instead of inserting advertisements.OTT platforms such as Netflix have received high subscription fees since they first opened the service and have provided high-quality content without advertisements to subscribers. With this strategy, Netflix has recorded a high growth rate until last year as “consumption-level” customers who are willing to pay high prices for paid services have gathered. However, the number of paid subscribers has recently begun to decrease. For Netflix, which was a growing stock, the fact that the number of paid subscribers not only stopped increasing but also decreased slightly affected stock prices very much.Netflix acknowledges that there is a limit to expanding its area only to users who are “at the consumption level,” and begins to develop strategies to secure users who are “at the consumption level.”That’s the “low-cost advertising plan” that recently announced its release. Instead of reducing the amount charged directly to users, they charge additional fees in the form of indirect charges called advertising. Of course, it takes a lot of man-hours to build and transmit advertisements on the platform on its own. So Netflix will collaborate with Microsoft.[Global] Netflix in crisis, joining hands with Microsoft… will introduce an advertising plan at the end of this yearAt first, they join hands with Microsoft to start sending advertisements, but as users adapt to the Netflix advertising plan and the amount of advertisements they send increases, Netflix will gradually have its own ad sending system. By reducing the cost of sending advertisements (commissions spent in collaboration with Microsoft), Netflix will be able to secure paid subscribers “in the middle of consumption” to some extent.Then in the future, Netflix is expected to try to lower the billing threshold to expand its reach to users who are “below consumption.” (This is a brain facial.) Summarize today’s insights! What’s your current platform? “By segmenting services with billing differences, we are using a strategy to attract users of all “”consumption levels”” into our services!”It’s easier when you look at the card newsIt’s easier when you look at the card newsCoins by Berkah Icon, Coins by Llisole, Dollar by Athok, Man_Tanacorn by Nack, Nun Project’s WEB TECHOPS LLP release