비염코수술 코막힘 문제 살펴보고

After having rhinitis nose surgery and nasal congestion

In Korea, where there are four seasons, the seasons come back every year. At the time of the year, it became cold to the point where the temperature was low every year. Depending on the change of seasons every year, the temperature difference between morning and afternoon increased by time zone, resulting in problems such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. As a result, the number of people who feel uncomfortable gradually increased.

When I had nasal congestion symptoms, I felt a lot of stress due to the difficulty of breathing in my daily life. The fact was natural for everyone, and complications such as headaches occurred at the same time. When inflammation occurs in the nose, it occurs regardless of age or age, and abnormal symptoms can occur due to daily temperature differences and undesirable factors, but it was also accompanied by nasal congestion due to structural abnormalities in the nose.When nasal congestion occurred intermittently, many people thought it was a mild symptom, so I could overlook it. And when difficulties occurred due to breathing due to nasal congestion, various tests were needed to accurately identify and analyze the cause. It was important to find out what internal structural problems you have before rhinitis nose surgery.In order to solve the cause of nasal congestion, we had to check the name of the individual’s disease as a whole through the consultation process of interviewing and allergy tests, and even the cause of internal deformation. However, when determining the cause of nasal congestion, it was not desirable to check only the external surface to check for structural deformation in the nose. It was difficult to check the inside of the nose, so we had to proceed with 3D-CT photography to check the inside of the nose itself in a three-dimensional manner, and even examine internal problems carefully through a system similar to an electronic endoscope.Therefore, the problem of cartilage tissue around bones and surrounding cartilage could be examined and analyzed, and the medical staff could directly diagnose rhinitis nose surgery. After that, based on the results, we could expect positive results if we went to suggest solutions that fit personally through 1:1 consultation on how rhinitis nose surgery is performed.Representatively, when faced with internal structural deformation and various nose diseases, there were three main categories. Among them, dust, yellow dust, and pollen were the causes. It caused inconvenience when the lower half of the body in the nose was stimulated and swollen. This is called thickening of lower body obesity, and when lower body obesity swells, if nasal congestion occurs due to inconvenience, the nasal congestion could be alleviated by accurately reducing the nose area that expands the laser.However, the non-septal cartilage located in the center of the nose had to be applied in different directions depending on the bent state. When the nasal congestion occurred due to warpage, it was difficult just to treat the medicine. This is because the non-septal cartilage itself, which supports the nose according to the overall direction of the disease, is bent. A case in point was the cause of nasal congestion caused by bending into S-type and C-type. In these cases, correcting the bent cartilage by surgical means was an effective method. In some cases, it was important to check the surgical process because sinusitis can occur along with rhinitis.Simply when the tip is straight and high, the balance of the face did not match. If you prefer harmony in terms of aspects, it would have been better to check the details and decide because the image and face harmony are different when you look too much on the impression that suits the individual. If you look at rhinitis symptoms, the symmetry of a very important situation has naturally been completed. The surgical process has had to be accompanied by the technical skills of the medical staff because it may not be possible to increase the completeness if there are no multiple cases. Because it is located in the center of the nose, the difficulty of surgery was higher than that of other parts.Therefore, it is important to proceed with the operation, but it was necessary to check how it could proceed after the operation because it had an effect on improvement. It was necessary to ban the use of drugs that helped stop bleeding 14 days before surgery, and to tell them honestly if high blood pressure and heart rice were accompanied by symptoms such as diabetes. Of course, smoking and drinking, which worsen phlegm and inflammation, should be refrained from smoking and drinking, and smoking cessation was also necessary for a certain period of time because it hinders hemostasis before and after surgery. On the first day of surgery, lenses and metal accessories should be removed in advance because they can cause misdiagnosis of pre-examination and symptom confirmation.No stimulating behavior was allowed, and as of the day of surgery, we had to limit the intake of less food for half a day. It was desirable to come to the hospital in relaxed clothes without affecting the surgical area. It may be difficult to go home alone after the surgery, so I recommended accompanying my parents. I wanted to tell you that it is most important to decide on a hospital with various types of surgery experience. Due to the change in appearance image, the entire nose line and nose tip were important, so it was desirable to check detailed information with the medical staff if you were worried about surgery. We could expect high satisfaction and completeness by checking both different appearance and nose-image structural diseases and deciding on the medical staff who dealt with various cases.Today, I told you about rhinitis nose surgery. If you are worried or worried about surgery and it is difficult to understand related knowledge, I would like you to come to the hospital to closely observe the current status of the photo and solve the problem through direct conversation with the medical staff.I recommend that you decide the right way for your nose and start without regret, and if you have any questions, please consult through our hospital even yesterday. Also, please refer to many review photos on the Samsung Dream website for help. #rhinitis nose surgeryI recommend that you decide the right way for your nose and start without regret, and if you have any questions, please consult through our hospital even yesterday. Also, please refer to many review photos on the Samsung Dream website for help. #rhinitis nose surgeryI recommend that you decide the right way for your nose and start without regret, and if you have any questions, please consult through our hospital even yesterday. Also, please refer to many review photos on the Samsung Dream website for help. #rhinitis nose surgeryI recommend that you decide the right way for your nose and start without regret, and if you have any questions, please consult through our hospital even yesterday. Also, please refer to many review photos on the Samsung Dream website for help. #rhinitis nose surgeryPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image